

1 拼音

gù hóng yǎ

2 注解

姓名: 顧紅雅

職務: 副院長

職稱: 教授

工作單位: 北京大學生命科學學院

3 國內外兼職

中國植物學會副理事長,《植物學報》、《植物分類學報》、《武漢植物研究》、Plant Specics Biolog等刊物的編委。

4 從事的工作或研究領域


5 主要業勣


6 主要論著

1. Li J, Li X, Guo L, Lu F, Feng X, He K, Wei L, Chen Z, Qu L-J and Gu H, 2006, A subgroup of MYB transcription factor genes undergoes highly conserved alternative splicing in Arabidopsis and rice.  Journal of Experimental Botany, 57: 1263-1273 2. Guo L, Wang Z, Lin H, Cui W, Chen J, Liu M, Chen Z, Qu L-J, Gu H, 2006, Expression and functional analysis of rice plasma-membrane intrinsic protein gene family.  Cell Research, 16: 277-286

3. Li J, Yang X, Wang Y, Li X, Gao Z, Pei M, Chen Z, Qu L-J, Gu H, 2006, Two groups of MYB transcription factors share a motif which enhances trans-activation activity.  Bioch. Bioph. Res. Commun., 341: 1155-1163 4.  Chen Y, Yang X, He K, Liu M, Li J, Gao Z, Lin Z, Zhang Y, Wang X, Qiu X, Shen Y, Zhang L, Deng X, Luo J, Deng XW, Chen Z, Gu H, and Qu L-J, 2006, The MYB Transcription Factor Superfamily of Arabidopsis: Expression Analysis and Phylogenetic Comparison with the Rice MYB Family.  Plant Molecular Biology, 60: 107-124. 5. Qin G, Gu H, Zhao Y, Ma Z, Shi G Yang Y, Pichersky E, Chen H, Liu M, Chen Z, and Qu L-J, 2005, An Indole-3-Acetic Acid Carboxyl Methyltransferase Regulates Arabidopsis Leaf Development.  Plant Cell, 17: 2693-2704. 6. Yang J, Gu H, Yang ZH, 2004, Likelihood analysis of the chalcone synthase genes suggests the role of positive selection in morning glories (Ipomoea), Journal Of Molecular Evolution, 58(1): 54-63. (IF:3.114) 7. Huang J, Qu L-J, Yang J, Yin H, Gu H, 2004, A preliminary study on the origin and evolution of chalcone synthase (CHS) gene in angiosperms.  Acta Botanica Sinica, 46(1): 10-19. 8. Qu L-J, Chen J, Liu M, Pan N, Okamoto H, Lin Z, Li C, Li D, Wang J, Zhu G, Zhao X, Chen X, Gu H, Chen Z 2003, Molecular cloning and functional analysis of a novel type of Bowman-Birk inhibitor gene family in rice.  Plant Physiology, 133(2): 560-570. 9. Mao S, Gu H, Qu L-J, Chen Z, 2003, Obtaining transgenic rice resistant to rice fungal blast disease by controlled cell death strategy.  Chinese Science Bulletin, 48(16): 1753-1759. 10.Su H, Qu L-J, He K, Zhang Z, Wang J, Chen Z and Gu H, 2003, The Great Wall of China: a physical barrier to gene flow?  Heredity, 90: 212-219.


